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Getting to know each other prior to entering into a long-term collaborative business relationship makes good business sense! As your VA, I become your trusted support and growth partner so determining fit is key to the business partnership.

We might work wonderfully well together if:

  • You run your businesses from a higher purpose, using spiritual guidance woven in practicality.
  • You are aligned with your heart, soul and the deeper values in life.
  • You make positive profound differences in the people’s lives you serve.
  • You are well grounded.
  • You believe in partnerships and collaboration and treat others as equals.
  • You value quality, have high standards, are honest, ethical and operate with integrity.
  • You are seeking to work with someone in a long-term collaborative relationship.
  • You are seeking service-oriented support and value creative and intellectual feedback from your respected support partner.
  • You respect the standards and boundaries I have set and are comfortable following my processes. You likely have standards, boundaries and processes of your own.
  • You see the value in work-life balance and self-care, and live your life that way.
  • You are well organized, operate your business more proactively than reactively and have few emergencies.
  • You have a good sense of humor.

I’ve developed a simple process, totaling about 3 hours of your time, to help us establish whether our working together is good “fit.”

Step 1

Let’s spend about 15 minutes chatting on a “getting to know you” call, to see if we’re compatible and whether we’d like to explore working together further. If we answer “yes” then we’ll schedule a longer discussion.

Step 2

We’ll spend about 60 minutes on a “nuts and bolts” call where we’ll discuss work style, your business goals and challenges and explore how we would work together and identify our complimentary skill sets. If after this step, we like where things are going and find we’d like to continue to the next step, we’ll schedule another, deeper discussions call.

Step 3

During this 60-90 minute “deeper discussions” call, we’ll focus on topics such as work styles, ethics, values and boundaries. These intense discussions are meant to explore if who we are is compatible to working together and building a partnership. If we decide to work together, we’re ready for Step 4.

Step 4

If after the 3 call process we decide we’re a “fit” and would like to work together, terrific! We’ll schedule a brief conversation to finalize arrangements, discuss retainer hours and address any final questions. I’ll send you my Welcome Packet, you’ll complete the required documents and send them back to me prior to the start date.

If you think we might be a good fit and you’re interested in exploring working with me further, please contact me as I’d love to hear from you.
Phone: 630.343.0525

I may not end up to be the right VA for you and you may not be the right client for me. If at any point during the interview process either of us decide we’re not compatible, I can still offer you some suggestions to find the right VA for you.

Danita is a wonderful addition to my team. She jumped in to a project mid stream and never missed a beat. Danita’s professionalism, expertise, humor, and ability to ask the right questions has helped my business grow by taking my online marketing to the next level. I highly recommend you consider adding her to your team as well.

Kathleen Burns Kingsbury

Wealth Psychology Expert & Author (former client)

Working together is the cornerstone of a great partnership. Finding we’re the right fit and building a long-term collaborative relationship is what will make our working together flourish. Together we can achieve great things!